The first service was held the afternoon of March 14, 1915, at Jenks High School.

In 1915, because of the need for a Baptist church in Jenks, a group of people under the leadership of the Lord met together to form the First Missionary Baptist Church of Jenks. The first service was held the afternoon of March 14, 1915, at Jenks High School. Twelve charter members were present: Grace Beil, Berta Cates, Mary Cates, Effie Dunn, Hazel Dunn, Lora Dunn, Julia M. Hamilton, Brother Albert Lawson, Eliza McLean, Ethel Upton, Annie Woods, and the pastor, Rev. E. H. Owens. The first member to join by letter was Brother H. B. Dunn during that first service.


The first service was held the afternoon of March 14, 1915, at Jenks High School.


In 1919, the church began building its first facility.

In 1919, the church began building its first facility, but a tornado destroyed it in 1920 before its completion. “Jenks Day” was declared by a number of Tulsa Baptist churches and a special offering was taken to be used in rebuilding the church. A tent was used to hold services until the building was completed. At this time, there were twenty-two members.


In 1919, the church began building its first facility.


By 1932, the membership had grown to 158.

By 1932, the membership had grown to 158 and eight pastors had led the church. In 1949, the first addition to the original facility was built. A parsonage was secured in 1952 and two years later in 1954 a second addition was built onto the church.


By 1932, the membership had grown to 158.


50th Anniversary

Upon the fiftieth anniversary of the church in 1965, the membership had grown to 581 members. The church continued to grow and in 1967 a new sanctuary was built.


50th Anniversary


Beaver Street Baptist Church.

In 1971, a group of people became dissatisfied and met with another group who were unhappy with their church and together they formed the Jenks Southern Baptist Church, now known as Beaver Street Baptist Church.


Beaver Street Baptist Church.


A recreational facility was added.

By 1973, the membership had declined to 537, at which point a recreational facility was added. In 1977, a new educational building was built. In 1980, the church voted to build a Welcome Center, which would connect the sanctuary with the recreational building and provide a place to greet guests. In July of 1981, the original auditorium and educational building were completely remodeled and attached to the new sanctuary. The project was completed in forty-two working days. In 1985, the recreational facility was converted into educational space and the balcony was remodeled.


A recreational facility was added.


Rev. Rodney H. Masteller served as pastor

Since 1978, the church has had seven music ministers, seven youth pastors, two children’s ministers, and three education ministers (see appendix B). The first children’s minister position in the history of the church was created in 1986 as a part-time position. Also, since 1978, First Baptist Church of Jenks has had six pastors. Rev. Rodney H. Masteller served as pastor for two years, from 1978 to 1979.


Rev. Rodney H. Masteller served as pastor


The church did not have a pastor of any kind in 1980.

The church did not have a pastor of any kind in 1980 and relied upon numerous supply preachers. Rev. James L. Sanderson served as pastor for six years from 1981 to 1987. During his tenure as pastor the church decreased in attendance by 30 percent. Dr. Jerry Hopkins served as the interim pastor following Rev. Sanderson, and grew the church 2 percent during his one-year tenure as pastor.


The church did not have a pastor of any kind in 1980.


Dr. Glenn T. Plum was then voted in as pastor in 1988.

Dr. Glenn T. Plum was then voted in as pastor in 1988. He was known for his exegetical sermons and hyper-Calvinistic theology. While he served as pastor for fourteen years, attendance shrunk in size by 18 percent. In 2002, the church called Dr. Robert Haskins to fill the vacancy left by Dr. Plum’s departure. He served as interim pastor for two years and the church grew 4 percent during that time.


Dr. Glenn T. Plum was then voted in as pastor in 1988.


Rick L. Frie was voted in as pastor in 2003

Rick L. Frie was voted in as pastor in 2003 and is still the pastor of First Baptist Church of Jenks. When he came in view of a call, he shared his vision with that church where he simply stated that a vote for him to be their senior pastor was a vote to one day relocate this church to a new location. He expressed his belief that First Baptist Church of Jenks was on the cusp of great growth. During his seventeen years as pastor of First Baptist Church of Jenks, church attendance has grown significantly. 


Rick L. Frie was voted in as pastor in 2003


FBC Jenks purchased twenty-seven acres located at 11701 East Elm.

In May of 2007, First Baptist Church of Jenks purchased twenty-seven acres located at 11701 East Elm, which is located two miles from its original location. In March of 2008, First Baptist Church of Jenks unanimously voted to sell their original and current facilities to Jenks Public Schools. On August 17, 2008, the church approved the designs for the new campus.


FBC Jenks purchased twenty-seven acres located at 11701 East Elm.


First Baptist Church of Jenks officially relocated.

On August 12, 2010, First Baptist Church of Jenks officially relocated, starting a new chapter in its history.


First Baptist Church of Jenks officially relocated.